Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India
Artweek, February 2002, Volume 33, Number 1
" ... The collaborative work, designed and produced by local artists JoAnn Gillerman and Rob Terry, is a state-of-the-art installation that morphs art and science. ..."
Archive Reference
Artweek, February 2002, Volume 33, Number 1
" ... The collaborative work, designed and produced by local artists JoAnn Gillerman and Rob Terry, is a state-of-the-art installation that morphs art and science. There is no mouse or keyboard. You and your homies directly interact via a multi-channel, twelve monitor computer program by walking, dancing or rolling your wheelchair around on three floor sensors. The sensors, attractively embellished by back lit images of sun, moon, earth, enliven the installation stage. Your personal choreography re-creates eciipses (solar and lunar) on the monitors, simultaneously evoking individual mixes of aural and visual imagery. Anyone with a sense of play wil be delighted by this ode of acquiring knowledge. This is "community-based art at its best."
A banquet for the senses is served up; the combination of delectables is your pick. And it can change during each visit.
What also sets Shadow Dance apart from is its selected context. Most spaces that display installation with aesthetic aspects - museums or galleries (even contemporary ones) - prescribe your role as a relatively passive observer. Here at Chabot you are envisioned as a participant. The new installation, Shadow Dance, is successful not only because it lures you to collaborate (to work to gain knowledge) with artists and scientists but even more so because it virtually "shows you the door." The wondrous images and astounding personal accounts encourage you to get back outside in nature and experience this and other cosmic phenomena firsthand. ... This response to nature is more than appropriate, it is necessary at this particular historical juncture."
- Celeste Connor